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Happy Monday y'all! I just got home from a MUCH needed getaway to Palm Springs with Austin but WOO it was hot as hell! When we left yesterday it was 118º, but I'm still sad our vacation is over and we're both back to work! It's crazy how 3 days goes by SO FAST when you're on vacation but you go with hopes it'll feel like you're gone for a week! Anyways I'll share all the details of our trip later this week- today we'll focus on my favorite outfit I wore while we were there!

This jumpsuit is everything- but then again, a good jumper is always my favorite thing.

J U M P S U I T S!

Y'all already know I'm a SUCKER for them. They're easy peasy like dresses but way edgier and trendy, more my style! However, this one in particular was a real head turner this weekend. I was WITH my man, and other guys were even complimenting my outfit (in a total non creepy way, surprisingly) & many girls, too. I wore this one out to a super cute craft brewery we found and then grabbed some dinner but I never wanted to take it off- if only outfit repeating while on vacation was an acceptable thing.


I'll link some of my other favorites jumpsuits of the moment BUT y'all should get your hands on this one. They're the best transitions pieces- wear them now while it's still hot as hell out- and throw on a biker jacket & booties with it for fall!


*All of these jumpers are Urban Outfitters and ALMOST all under $100- I wore a size 2 in this floral number, & I'm 5'6"!